When it comes to spiritual matters it is no different...
A Pew Internet survey of more than 1,300 Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian congregational leaders detailed their web use:
91% use e-mail to keep congregation and staff in touch
81% believe e-mail use by ministers, staff, and members helps the congregation’s spiritual life
77% use the web to find information on the Bible, Torah, and other religious books
72% use the web to pull together information for educational programs
72% use the web to get devotional material
54% look up information on faith matters
- Current Thoughts & Trends, June 2002
Let me hear from you. I like blogs that are dialogues not monologues. Share your thoughts!
Like many, I spend a lot of time using a PC. At work, I spend very little time online, but I use my lunch break to check email, post a blog comment, etc. At home, we have a busy family life (sometimes too busy, but we are 'pruning' it a bit) so if I get online at all, it is after the kids are in bed.
Don't know about a completely online church, although I have thought about it a lot. Probably the biggest obstacle to an exclusively online 'church' is not having a personal connection with other Believers. I like to shake someone's hand or kneel beside them to pray sometimes. Corporate worship is another item that would be hard to replace. Just a few thoughts.
To your last question, I use the internet to publicize our band (Christian Rock / Praise), keep extended family and friends informed about our family, and I blog to share my Believer's Journey with the world.
I am a solo entrepreneur and I spend a ton of time at a computer with e-mail, posting, researching as well as building relationships via LinkedIn and Facebook.
I was a sceptic about those social networks when I was encouraged to develop my profile. Now, I have 65 professional contacts and when you branch out to who they know, it goes into the thousands.
I use these networks to see what is going on in 'my community'. It is a way to stay connected, to offer support or congratulations - or for those who I get to see in person, a great starting point for a conversation whether it is a personal or professional. 'How are you doing on your project?' Or, great family pictures! are much easier ways to start a networking conversation!
Building relationships is what many in this world are looking for. Reading something from a church blog, or hearing a message allows the receiver to decide when and where they will receive. For those who are 'on-guard' when they enter a church building, this is a way for the church body to be available for them.
Keep working on the virtual church is my encouragement to you!
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