Sunday, August 24, 2008

Single and Looking...?

I don't know where you are in your realtionship pusuit; but in the preparation of a recent message (8/24) on making tough decisions, I had time to reflect on some of the good and bad decisions that I have made over the course of my life. Many bad and many good. We really are the sum total of our decisions.

One decision I look back on with no regrets is who I married. Lori and I dated for 5 yrs before we ever walked the aisle and exchanged our vows. I can humbly and greatfully say that our relationship remained physically pure and celibate while we were dating.

I shared in my message that I had some standards that I wrote out on a crude sheet of paper, with misspellings and everything, that I have kept until this day. I had these standards for 24 yrs. I don't regret writing them and keeping them. I think ione of the reasons Lori and I have had the relationship we have had for 22 yrs is because we set high standards from the outset.

So, if you are single and looking, go speed dating, try e-harmony, check out a single's ministry some where, but set your standards high.

These were my standards...
  1. I will not date a non-dedicated follower of Christ
  2. I will only date someone who is Spirit-filled and will seek to allow the Holy Spirit to fill my life also.
  3. I will seek my parent's approval of those I date.
  4. I will not settle for any relationship that does not build me up spiritually.
  5. I will strive to keep my relationship morally pure.

Happy dating...


denise said...

From your what Baskin Robbins' flavor did you end up with...other than the "cream" of the crop? :-)

Mike McDaniel said...

Lori is 100% "tutty Fruity"