Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Excited about the economy!

I don't know about you but I am excited about the economy. I certainly don't think my Introduction to Economics class in college constitutes me as an economist, so I will not pretend to be something I am not. However, since my last blog on the economy, nearly 1 1/2 months ago (I warned you from the outset that I wouldn't be blogging a lot, but that I would be thoughtful and brief with my words. Proverbs 10:19 supports few words), I've had some time to reflect, watch my 403b go to pot, and see - even with the hopes of a new president - little change in the economic perspective.

However, I am hopeful. I am very optimistic with our economy that things will turn around and we will be strong again economically on a global scale (I am not promising the the top of the economic super powers, we'll have to prove ourselves again). I am hopeful for a couple of reasons...

1. History is on our side for recovery. I was encouraged when I heard my trusted podcast financial advisor Dave Ramsey say a few days ago that over the course of the past 38 years there have been 10 major economic down turns that have resulted in a loss in the markets value of 10% or more. 100% of them, 10 out of 10, of the down turns, turned around the very next year with average gains equaling 34%. If our market is at the bottom, it may be time to reenter the market and buy low and prepare to sell high. The big question is "if our market is at the bottom?"

2. There needs to be a downsizing of "giants" to make room for new, younger, visionary emerging innovators. Innovation is born in crisis. We are in a crisis. If small or large business, schools, churches, aren't reinventing, down sizing and adjusting, death is certain. If GM and Ford can't make their bottom line black, being the giant of a company that they are, we don't need to bail them out. Let's pour our time, money and attention into innovation and make room for an entrepreneurial car maker to emerge that will make a profit, provide a fair wage (without union intrusion), and put America back on the road to success (sorry for the pun).

Sears and K-Mart had to make room on the stage for Wal-Mart; IBM had to make room for Dell; Microsoft is having to make room for Apple, the traditional church has had to make room for the contemporary church (you knew I would have to bring the church into the blog :) ).

A warning to Wal-Mart, Dell, Apple, contemporary churches, etc.: if you don't stay dynamic and fluid you will become the new "has been." Embrace change for the sake of change.

3. I really, really hope that America will take a serious look at their debt issues through this crisis on a national, corporate and domestic level. When we take two or three serious steps back and take a hard look at what has brought our economy to its knees, it comes down to one four-letter word: DEBT. Too much of life fueled by insatiable greed that causes us to spend money we don't have, on things we don't need, to impress people we don't like.

I enjoy my freedom as a country but I really enjoy it as an individual. I don't want to be anybody's slave, but when we live in debt we become a slave to the one who is our lender (Prov 22:7). No longer can we get up every day and go to work because we want to, because it's our calling, but we must because of debt. It's like the revised song of the seven dwarfs (politically correct: "seven vertically challenged men") might sing: "I owe, I owe, its off to work I go...I owe, I owe, I owe."

Rise up, entrepreneurials, with a respect for God and a sense of sound financial stewardship, and lead us forward.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Ups and Downs of money

What are your thoughts on the economy? I have never seen such massive swings in my life. We have seen in the past days the greatest losses and the greatest gains in a single days of trading on the NY stock exchange. We have all seen our home values plumet and our retirement accounts vaborize before our eyes.

I saw my personal 403B account drop tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of days. The first thought that came to my mind was "these market swings just added 5 + more years to my work."

Where does a person find hope in a market like this? I have personally found hope and direction in simply reviewing some of the verses in Scripture. Read the following principles that God has spoken into my life that have steered my thoughts and the verses that I have used to calm my spirit. The following statements are the little voice I heard in my heart as I reflected on the following verses

> Mike, I told you that your 403B, Money Markets, possessions would come and go...
"Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich; restrain yourself! Riches disappear in the blink of an eye; wealth sprouts wings and flies off into the wild blue yonder."
Proverbs 23:4-5 (The Message)

> Mike, make sure you know who and what you are serving...Me or money.
"...You can’t worship God and Money both."
Matt 6:24
> Mike, you can't depend on the Democrats or Republicans to fix all the financial woes. This is a global meltdown. Keep trusting in me."

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
Ps 20:7
"I have never seen good people abandoned by the Lord or their children begging for food.
Ps 37:25
> Mike the main thing isn't for you to get rich. It is for you to seek Me and allow me to make you what I want you.
" first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well"
Mt 6:33
"Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God."
Pr 30:8-9
Money, investing, prospecting, saving, spending, It can all becomes so complicated and stressful. I have come to appreciate three simple steps to life and money. These steps are the steps my family takes with every dollar we have...
  1. Give it. We give the first dime out of every dollar to our church. Actually, we are currently giving, the first two dimes out of every dollar to the church. We do this with joy and without regret. We have given no less than 10% of our income our entire married life.
  2. Save it. We give an additional dime out of every dollar to our savings for setbacks and "rainy days" funds. Dave Ramsey has challenged us with a goal of having 4-6 months worth of pay set back in savings. We have a ways to go, but we are on course.
  3. Live it. We live on the remaining 70%. Much of our discretionary money we use an envelope method that conditions us to spend with greater discernment and discipline. For example, when the out to eat money envelope is empty...we stop eating out for the month.

Living these principles above has kept me from losing sleep in the ups and downs of the market. I am not worried. If God sees that I need a few more dollars...He will provide it, he always has. He owns it all (Haggai 2:8).

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Single and Looking...?

I don't know where you are in your realtionship pusuit; but in the preparation of a recent message (8/24) on making tough decisions, I had time to reflect on some of the good and bad decisions that I have made over the course of my life. Many bad and many good. We really are the sum total of our decisions.

One decision I look back on with no regrets is who I married. Lori and I dated for 5 yrs before we ever walked the aisle and exchanged our vows. I can humbly and greatfully say that our relationship remained physically pure and celibate while we were dating.

I shared in my message that I had some standards that I wrote out on a crude sheet of paper, with misspellings and everything, that I have kept until this day. I had these standards for 24 yrs. I don't regret writing them and keeping them. I think ione of the reasons Lori and I have had the relationship we have had for 22 yrs is because we set high standards from the outset.

So, if you are single and looking, go speed dating, try e-harmony, check out a single's ministry some where, but set your standards high.

These were my standards...
  1. I will not date a non-dedicated follower of Christ
  2. I will only date someone who is Spirit-filled and will seek to allow the Holy Spirit to fill my life also.
  3. I will seek my parent's approval of those I date.
  4. I will not settle for any relationship that does not build me up spiritually.
  5. I will strive to keep my relationship morally pure.

Happy dating...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I am 40 and Reflecting

I turned 40 a week ago so I have taken some time to reflect. Is 40 over the hill with one foot in the grave or is it potentially one foot stepping toward the best years of your life?

The Best of Times or Worst of Times... health insurance went up $50 the day I turned 40. Blue Cross and Blue Shield must be telling me that sickness and poor health are imminent. However, I feel healthier and stronger than I have been in 15 yrs. I have a group of 4 guys that workout and study the Word twice a week. In the past year I have lost 3-4 inches in the waist and knocked off 10 lbs. I love to run, bike, swim, and climb. If I have one foot in the grave it's only because I am using it to get leverage to climb another hill.

... some would advise me that my career is wrapping up and I need to settle in because I won't be "marketable" much longer. I have 20 years of life and vocation experience. I hope to finish my Doctorate and walk in 2010 (one year before my daughter graduates from High School). I do not want to stop learning. I have no less than 30 years to go before I would even hope to retire from what I do. I am not even to the half way mark yet in the work I can do. According to Bob Buford's book, Half-Time, some people at this time of life start wanting to move from the successful careers to a career of significance. I am already there. And I have both. God has blessed me to be able to pastor with great success the greatest congregation on the planet. More than successful, it is having a significant impact on the people of NWA and the world through global partnership and projects. I would not step down from what I do to be the President of the United States.

...some men go through a mid-life crisis when they turn 40 and start looking for their trophy wife. I found my trophy wife and married her 17 years ago. I would marry her again if I had 40 lives to live. When you already have a geninue trophy that you love and fall more in love with every day, why settle for a plastic trophy that is sure to break and leave you and others broken. She is my best friend. We share our dreams with each other and help each other achieve them. She has followed me around the world. And to top it off..."It" is awesome. We are on our Honeymoon, please don't tell us we need to get off of it.

40 is the best year of my life. I can't wait until 41!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Virtual Church...good or bad

How much time do you spend on the Internet? Is that an easy answer? For some, that is like asking how often you breathe. They are always on the Internet. The new Western-world reality is, we are all connecting, communing, buying, selling, dating, relating, informing, entertaining, learning, reflecting, expressing, exploring and/or searching.

When it comes to spiritual matters it is no different...

A Pew Internet survey of more than 1,300 Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian congregational leaders detailed their web use:

91% use e-mail to keep congregation and staff in touch
81% believe e-mail use by ministers, staff, and members helps the congregation’s spiritual life
77% use the web to find information on the Bible, Torah, and other religious books
72% use the web to pull together information for educational programs
72% use the web to get devotional material
54% look up information on faith matters
Current Thoughts & Trends, June 2002

When you hear the words "virtual church" what do you think? Is it possible to be have a virtual church? We have added this feature to our new site. To what degree should the church use the Internet? Is it possible to be a church exclusively on the Internet? Do you use the Internet in your own faith development and expression?

Let me hear from you. I like blogs that are dialogues not monologues. Share your thoughts!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Insomnia is a big word at 3 AM

What do you do when you can't sleep? I woke up this morning at 3:00, with a few things (not a lot) on my mind, nothing heavy or too big, nothing that certainly couldn't wait a few more hours until I finished my sleep. Going to sleep at midnight and waking up at 3:00 (easy math: 3 hrs of sleep) really stinks. What does one do with insomnia?

I toss and turn, I pray, I review a few scriptures in my head (I have heard that the Devil will knock you out cold when you do that); I think about the tasks ahead in the day; I think about the unresolved issues of yesterday(s); I get up and type on a blog (that's a new one).

I am asking the blogisphere, what do you do when you can't sleep? Preferably, I am looking for non-chemical options. I am looking for any organic, natural, home-remedies, spiritual or otherwise, help.

I really don't think I am more holy if I get up before normal "carnal" people. The great revivalists Whitefield, Edwards and Wesleys of old would be up early praying at this time (I am not that "holy" if that's what holiness is). There are many times that God has awakened me at 2, 3, 4 in the morning and spoken soundly into my life (Isaiah 50:4), and I am grateful for those times. This morning, I don't believe is one of those times. God " enjoys giving rest to those he loves" (The Message -Psalm 127:2). I am all about getting what God is giving. I want rest and need rest.

I certainly don't need to let tomorrows issues rob me of today's rest (Matthew 6:34). I've heard it said: "Don't borrow sorrow from tomorrow, or it will rob your joy today."

So what do you do when you have insomnia? Insomnia is a big word to try to spell on a blog at 3 am, especially when you struggle with grammar and spelling on a good day and a full night's sleep. Please forgive any dangling prepositions, misplaced modifiers, incorrect spelling, etc. Give me a break, I've only had 3 hrs of sleep, what do you expect?!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I hate blogs

I hate blogs. I have always thought bloggers were people with to many words in their head and no one to listen to them. So they write, rant, express, share opinions like they really think people are reading them and care what they have to say.

Now what I am doing? I am blogging! Am I crazy? No, just a hypocrite. Am a blogger with nothing to say??? What does this, my first ever entry on anybodies blog, say about me? I am a person with too many words that no one will listen to but I am going to say them the the world anyway, as if someone really was reading them.:) I think the Bible says something about being quicker to "hear, than to speak" (James 1:19).

Hopefully, if you are reading this and you become a regular "guest" to my blog, I hope what you read will actually find my words to have some weight and value to your life and it will give grace to you when you hear it (Ephesians 4:29). I promise if you respond to my blogs, I will be quicker to hear, than to speak.